August 3, 2023

The Beginner's Guide to Automating Expense Reporting with Spend Management Tools

The Beginner's Guide to Automating Expense Reporting with Spend Management Tools
Employee travel and expenses (T&E) are a major cost for most businesses. Managing these expenses efficiently is key for controlling budgets. Traditionally, expense management involved manual processes like collecting paper receipts and spreadsheets. This created complexity for finance teams to track spending and process reports.

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What is Expense Management and Why Does it Matter?

Employee travel and expenses (T&E) are a major cost for most businesses. Managing these expenses efficiently is key for controlling budgets. Traditionally, expense management involved manual processes like collecting paper receipts and spreadsheets. This created complexity for finance teams to track spending and process reports.

Automating expense reporting through spend management software removes friction and gives visibility into exactly where money is being spent. For companies just getting started, implementing an automated expense management system is easier than it sounds thanks to intuitive tools like SAP Concur and Expensify. These solutions make it simple to capture receipts with mobile apps and configure approval workflows tailored to your needs.

Spend management platforms eliminate the hassles of paper-based expense reporting. Features like receipt OCR, reporting, and accounting integrations streamline T&E management to unlock significant time and cost savings.

Key Capabilities of Expense Management Software

Spend management software centralizes expense processing with cloud-based tools. Core capabilities to look for include:

  • Mobile receipt capture - Employees can snap photos of receipts on the go to create digital expense reports. No more chasing paper slips!
  • Reporting - Managers gain real-time visibility into T&E spending across the organization with interactive reports and dashboards.
  • Notifications - Automatic alerts for pending approvals and policy violations streamline review processes.
  • Integration - Syncing expense data with accounting, payroll, and ERP systems eliminates duplicate data entry.
  • Expense policy enforcement - Systems can auto-flag expenses that don't adhere to pre-defined company rules for limits like hotels or airfare.

Key Benefits of Automating Expense Reports

Streamlining T&E management delivers major perks including:

1. Cost savings - Automation reduces time spent processing expenses for a leaner finance team. Many tools also optimize travel booking and streamline approvals for further savings.

2. Accuracy - Digital tools eliminate manual data entry errors. Expense details are captured at the source for reliable reports.

3. Compliance - Centralized company expense policies are enforced consistently across the organization.

4. Productivity - Employees save time by avoiding paperwork. Finance gains efficiency by eliminating repetitive administrative tasks.

5. Insights - Detailed expense analytics help inform future budget and policy decisions.

Must-Have Features for Expense Management Software

When evaluating expense management solutions, look for these key features:

  • Customizable workflows to match existing expense reporting processes (Ramp offers configurable approval chains and auto-coding)
  • Easy tools for creating visual reports and dashboards (Airbase has real-time spend analytics and data exports)
  • Flexible options for data export like CSV or API integrations (Navan features integration with 100+ accounting platforms)
  • Strong mobile app for on-the-go receipt capture (Ramp's app enables seamless expense capture)
  • Robust approval management with notifications (Airbase automates approvals and provides alerts)
  • Capability to enforce expense policies and categories (Navan uses AI to detect out-of-policy spending)
  • Multi-currency support for global organizations (Ramp supports spend management in multiple currencies)

Leading solutions like Ramp, Airbase, and Navan enable organizations to tailor automated expense management to their specific needs and processes.

Getting Employee Buy-In for New Expense Software

Driving employee adoption is critical when rolling out new systems. Some best practices include:

  • Early communication - Give ample notice before launch to build excitement
  • User training - Provide resources like how-to guides and webinars
  • Accessibility - Make sure support teams are available during transition
  • Leadership involvement - Get executives to visibly champion the change
  • Digital assistant - Chatbots can provide 24/7 help for common issues

Potential Challenges with Expense Automation Projects

While automation delivers major benefits, be aware of a few common hurdles:

  • Legacy processes - Old habits like spreadsheet attachments can derail new tools
  • Change resistance - Some employees prefer status quo and push back on new systems
  • Policy gaps - Unclear guidelines around approvals or limits causes confusion
  • Reporting needs - Make sure canned reports meet stakeholders' requirements
  • Lack of integrations - No direct syncing with key systems like accounting or HR

Following Implementation Best Practices

A successful implementation sets up the organization for long-term spend visibility and control. Critical steps include:

  • Identifying goals and KPIs
  • Getting stakeholder signoff early
  • Developing tailored workflows
  • Running training sessions with real examples
  • Conducting user acceptance testing
  • Creating a rollout schedule with time for feedback
  • Establishing post go-live support resources

Picking the Right Expense Management Partner

With many solutions to choose from, key selection criteria include:

  • Industry experience - Domain expertise that meets your specific needs
  • Configurability - Flexibility to match existing workflows
  • Customer service - Responsive and proactive support model
  • Ease of use - Intuitive UIs for quick user adoption
  • Data security - Robust controls and access management
  • Scalability - Ability to grow with your business
  • Implementation support - Resources to drive adoption

Future Innovations in Expense Management Technology

Exciting developments on the horizon include:

  • Enhanced AI - Machine learning will enable smarter process automation and policy optimization.
  • Predictive analytics - Systems will proactively flag suspicious transactions or duplicate expenses.
  • Travel integration - Tighter airline, hotel, and rental car partnerships for automated trip data capture.
  • Advanced workflows - More flexibility in configuring approvals like peer-level sign-offs.
  • Deeper insights - Richer reporting capabilities like drill-downs into expense details.

Making the Switch from Manual to Automated Expense Management

Replacing legacy processes like spreadsheets with automated systems represents a major change. Following core best practices helps ensure a smooth transition:

  • Phase rollout by department to work out issues
  • Solicit ongoing user feedback to fine-tune tools
  • Provide ample training resources and support
  • Show executives tangible benefits early on
  • Develop streamlined new processes before launch
  • Mandate use of new tools post go-live

Realizing the Full Potential of Spend Management

Expense reporting software serves as a launch point for comprehensive spend management. Additional capabilities like procurement and invoice processing can be layered on over time for complete visibility and control.

With strong foundations for capturing T&E, organizations can evolve their strategies to optimize broader purchasing and invoices. The data and process foundations established by automated expense reporting pave the way for true enterprise-wide spend management.

Getting Started on Expense Reporting Automation

Revolutionizing legacy T&E processes delivers game-changing visibility, efficiency, and cost savings. For finance teams ready to reimagine spend management, today's software makes it easier than ever to leap into automation.

Follow our blueprint for change management, stakeholder alignment, and technology evaluation to successfully modernize expense reporting. Partnering with the right technology and services providers accelerates and derisks the journey to spend automation.